The ACT is an important part of a student's transition from high school to college. Scores on this test impact college admission and scholarship money. Achieving the highest score possible is an asset to each student.
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The December, April, and June tests are available for a student to receive the test booklet and answer key. There is a fee of $20 for this service.
It is suggested to do this one time during the ACT testing process, if the student is a sophomore or junior.
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Can you get a copy of the test and answer key?
21/22 State and National Average
25 Admittance to most state schools (University of Missouri, etc.)
27 Scholarship money begins
30 1/2 Bright Flight ($1500/year up to five years)
31 Full Bright Flight ($3000/year up to five years)
36 Perfect Score
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What do the scores on the ACT mean?
As many times as needed to achieve the score the student is looking for. To achieve Bright Flight, students can take the ACT through their entire senior year of high school; even if they have already been accepted to a university.
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How many times can you take the ACT?
Why should my student take the ACT?
The ACT multiple-choice tests are based on what you're learning. The ACT is not an aptitude or an IQ test.
There are many ways to prepare for the ACT.
The ACT helps you plan for your future.
The ACT helps colleges find you.
Your ACT score is based only on what you know.
You choose which scores you send to college
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Research shows that of students from the 2013 graduating class who took the ACT more than once:
57% increased their Composite score on the retest
21% had no change in their Composite score on the retest
22% decreased their Composite score on the retest
What are the benefits of taking the test more than once?
The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The SAT is more of an aptitude test, testing reasoning and verbal abilities. The SAT is most commonly used for Ivy League, East and West Coast schools.
The ACT has up to 5 components: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test. The SAT has only 3 components: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and a required Writing Test.
The ACT has an Interest Inventory that allows students to evaluate their interests in various career options.
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What is the difference between the ACT and SAT?
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How do I know if my student should take the ACT?
Any student going directly into a four-year college or university, BUT students do not need to take the ACT if they are going to a junior college, trade school, the military, or going directly into the work force. Junior colleges have their own placement tests for students to be placed into classes.